This bag was made to fit airplane carry on regulations. This duffel is 10” tall, 9” wide, 22” long. It is made from one of Dimension-Polyant’s laminate fabrics with double sided taffeta. It is the perfect small bag that you can still fit everything you need into. This is a very sharp looking bag with the nice white sail look. This bag is water and mildew resistant. Your skipper will be happy when you walk on the boat with such a small bag and you will be happy you got all your gear on the plane. The duffel bag has one big compartment with two strong webbing handles and a double zipper pull closure. The anywhere, anytime bag.
Why SLO Sail and Canvas?
Because we take the time to make sure you are getting what you want and need. Our knowledgeable designers are available by phone or email and can work with you to incorporate any special requests. Our products are warranted against defects due to workmanship or material flaws for 1 year. All our products are made in the USA, on the central coast of California.